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"These Allegations By Kennedy Agyapong Are Totally Baseless/Malicious/Irresponsible" - NDC (VIDEOS)

The Leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has described the alleged 'harm and kill' of a Joy FM Journalist allegation leveled against the party by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central Constituency, Kennedy Agyapong as totally baseless, malicious, contrived and irresponsible to say the least.

According to the NDC, no such meeting has been organized by the party, nor any agent or assign of the party for that matter, during which the subject of murder or criminal harm to any journalist was discussed.

In a statement signed by the Deputy National Communication Officer of the party, Godwin Ako Gunn, it said "The NDC as a political party does not and will never condone any criminal plans to harm any citizen, let alone kill a journalist"

The statement reminded Ghanaians that this is not the first time Kennedy Agyepong has associated himself with disturbing murder events in the history of modern Ghana.

"Ghanaians would recall that Kennedy Agyapong has been mentioned by the prime suspect in the unfortunate murder of a sitting Member of Parliament, Hon. JB Danquah Adu as a key accessory to the crime. Interestingly, his own pronouncements in the media about the matter indicate a very close knowledge of the circumstances surrounding that crime" the statement noted.

"As if that was not enough, few months ago, this same vile, irresponsible and dishonorable Member of Parliament, threatened Joy FM’s Erastus Asare Donkor after he appeared before the Ejura Committee of Enquiry to testify to matters within his personal knowledge about the gruesome of murder of Ibrahim Mohammed, also known as Kaaka by some unknown assailants, and the state-sponsored killings of (3) other youth of Ejura in the aftermath"

Mr. Ako Gunn stressed that per the numerous murder allegations attached to the name of the MP, it was expecting that the Legislator would have been arrested to assist the Police with the investigation and prosecution of these heinous crimes.

The NDC stated that the nonchalance of President Akufo-Addo and the country's law enforcement agencies has emboldened him to engage in more reckless and criminal acts with brazen impunity.

"While we take the opportunity to vehemently deny the spurious and ludicrous allegation and call on Ghanaians to take Mr Agyepong's latest allegation with a pinch of salt, we appeal to the journalist being targeted to report the allegation to the police and take all necessary precaution to preserve his precious life. This is particularly critical because of the fate that befell his colleague the late Ahmed Hussein-Suale when he became a subject of his media tirades and threats. Clearly, the NPP's Frankenstein’s Monster is on the prowl again looking for blood. We therefore urge all well-meaning Ghanaians to be watchful in order to stem his blood-thirsty antics from manifesting again" it said.

The NDC says it will formally report the matter to the Police and its diplomatic partners and foreign missions.

The NDC party says it is assuring Ghanaians and journalists that, it believes in media pluralism and tolerance.

It added that under no circumstances does the NDC part-takes in or accepts its resources to become accessories in any criminal activity.

Below are some videos:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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