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“Revoke Dr. Srofenyo’s License, Probe His Credibility” – Mohammed Mustapha To GMA

Husband of the Late Akua Nyarko Osei-Bonsu, Mohammed Mustapha is calling on the Ghana Medical Association (GMA) to revoke the licence of Medical Director at the Ridge Hospital, Dr. Emmanuel K. Srofenyo and probe his credibility over the demise of his wife and baby.

According to the Widower, he would want an investigation carried on the attitude of the Medical Director for deliberately implicating him (Mohammed Mustapha) without recourse to the pain and grief that he has gone through after the demise of his wife and baby.

In an interview with, the Widower, Mohammed Mustapha said “Dr. Emmanuel K. Srofenyo acted unprofessionally and per the ethics of his profession, giving false information to cover up for the negligence of his clinicians. I request for his immediate resignation, investigated and if possible relinquished of his position as the Medical Director of the Greater Accra Regional Hospital (RIDGE) and his license revoked in practicing as a medical professional”

The Widower also called on Authorities of the Ghana Health Service to further investigate all issues relating to maternal mortality in the various hospitals across the country.

He noted that he feels the report has been tempered with adding that it has drafted in a manner to favour the hospital.

“I want a full trial judgement with claims of damages for the unfortunate loss of my wife, I also believe this will serve as a stern deterrent to the hospital administration to make sure all protocols and ethics binding their health administration are duly adhered it” he added.

Explaining the ordeal his wife went through, Mohammed Mustapha revealed that he was disappointed in the medical team of Ridge Hospital adding that a Fragmin drug which he was tasked to purchased was not administered on his late wife.

He said “There were no records from the hospital indicating that a plan was taken to administer an anticoagulant or recommended. None of the other precautionary measures were also considered to reverse the situation, this proves there was a Gross Negligence on the part of the department which was the major factor that caused the demise of Madam Akua Nyarko Osei-Bonsu, (a community health nurse with the Madina Polyclinic)”

It is emerging that the deceased was scheduled for an emergency caesarean section which was expected to come off on December 16 in an attempt to save the baby.

“Thromboembolism is what he was told his wife had developed. The defines this condition as “occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus that has broken away from a thrombus” he explained.

It is emerging that the Ridge Hospital has been slapped with a GHc5 Million cedis compensation which he believes will serve as a warning to other unprofessional staffs. is learning that the Widower, Mustapha has filed writ with Reindorf Twumasi Ankrah of AB & M legal consult.


In his affidavit, Mustapha said “I also noticed that in page 3, paragraph 6, it was also included that a sub cut FRAGMIN with other medications were prescribed but the sub cut Fragmin was not bought. From my observation, I realized the hospital implicated me the husband of not procuring the drug that I earlier discussed with Dr. Pobee and Dr. Srefenyo which in itself was a lie because I wasn’t around when the drugs were initially procured and paid for”

Further checks revealed that records of the late Nurse revealed a receipt with No. R2516077 which was procured on the 13-12-19 at 6:50 pm.

“After her demise, I was made to pay an amount of GH¢1,375.30 as cost incurred for her admission, so I want to know if the administering of a prophylactic anticoagulant therapy is the protocol of the department, why was the drug not procured and added to her bill just as other drugs were procured to be paid later” he said.

Below are copies of writ of summons:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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