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"Kotoko To Axe Nana Yaw Amponsah As Manhyia Receives GFA Letter" – Reports

Asante Kotoko is reportedly planning to part ways with fans’ favorite Chief Executive Officer Nana Yaw Amponsah following insistence by the Ghana Football Association (GFA) that the 2019 presidential candidate is, at the moment, not qualified for the position.

The GFA has, according to local media reports, written to Kotoko, with the club’s owner Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II copied, stating that Nana Yaw Amponsah, who has been in charge of Kotoko for approximately one year, is currently unfit to stay on as CEO as he is supposed to be serving a football ban.

Amponsah’s troubles with the GFA stems from the suspension of Phar Rangers. The second-tier club has been handed a five-year ban by the GFA for misconduct after they were found guilty for pulling out of GFA organized competitions without a just cause. The GFA ruling states directors and shareholders of the club are equally banned for the same period and will not be involved in Ghana football until their names are cleared.

“That the Shareholders and Directors of Phar Rangers FC on the records are hereby also banned from all football activities for a period of five (5) years effective from this 2020/2021 football season in accordance with Article 13(3) of the GFA Division One League Regulations,” the ruling from the Disciplinary Committee reads.

And Amponsah is suffering the consequences of the verdict, which many have described as harsh, because of his involvement with Phar Rangers.

Even though Amponsah claimed he severed ties with the second-tier club before Kotoko’s appointment in August 2020, records at the Registrar General show that Nana Yaw is the sole owner of Phar Rangers, according to

GFA, are, thereby, empowered by that to force Amponsah out of Kotoko for him to serve the five-year ban.

Kotoko is expected to release a statement on the trending issue in the coming days in which the fate of Nana Yaw Amponsah would be known.

If Amponsah can prove to Kotoko’s board of directors that he is not associated with Phar Rangers, then he is likely to stay on.


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