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"Govt Spent GHc896,291,330.72 On The 15-Month Free Nationwide Water Supply" - Sanitation Minister

The Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah has disclosed that the Akufo-Addo government spent an amount of GHc896,291,330.72 on the 15-months free nationwide water supply which was provided to the citizenry as a package during the wake of the covid-19 pandemic in the country.

According to the Minister, her Ministry partnered with the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) to supply and install some water tanks across the country.

Addressing Journalists in Accra on Wednesday, she said "President Akuffo Addo is the only President globally by our checks to implement an intervention to supply free water during the covid-19 pandemic to the citizenry for 15-months. The intervene has received both national and global recognition and must be applauded. We must applaud the boss for his empathy and foresight. The total water bill for the months is GHc896,291,330.72"

She added that the Ministry of Finance has paid GHc500m to the Ghana Water Company Limited as part of debt settlements of the free water supply period.

Abena Dapaah assured that all arrears will be paid fully as and when instructed and directed by the President.

She also urged citizens to continue supporting the agenda of President Akuffo Addo to making Ghana, a clean country.

Touching on the water resources overview, she hinted that groundwater is also available in various geological locations across the country.

Madam Dapaah, however, revealed that water resources are not in a healthy state due to human activities.

"At the end of 2016, 65% of the 16 major river basins were of poor water quality (water quality indexes of less than 50) as a result of illegal mining also known as galamsey" she added.

Stressing on making Accra the cleanest city, the sector Minister revealed that her outfit is on course adding that she is confident, the country will achieve it.

"And the monthly clean-up, I think, I believe and it is in line with the President's vision that every day is a Sanitation day. We should not wait for one month before we clean our environment. Every house has its own environment meaning lands or a piece of land across or gutters in front of these private homes. It is our duty as citizens to make sure that as we have our baths and clean our homes, we should also clean our environments"

She added that with regards to public places, contractors have contracted to clean adding that Assemblies are also playing their part.

On the re-introduction of 'town-council' in the system, she said "Schools of Hygiene is churning out diplomats in Environmental, Sanitation, and Hygiene. The diplomats have now taken over their jobs. We will no longer see the outmoded 'town-council visiting our homes to inspect our water with their ladles"

On open defecation, she revealed that the GAMA SUP project has provided access to improved toilet facilities to serve over 275, 000 people living in low-income communities.

Madam Dapaah hinted that it represents 34,496 households in the Greater Accra Metropolitan area.

"This is all in our efforts to end open defecation. This has significantly reduced the open defecation rate in the region. In fact, we are still validating. At the end of our counting, we might have 40,000 toilets in households in Greater Accra"

She also mentioned that under the same project, 406 disability-friendly-fit-for-purpose-gender-sensitive-institutional sanitation facilities for 260 beneficiary schools have been provided.

She explained that it is benefitting 232,000 pupils of low-income communities in the GAMA area.

Below are pictures and a video:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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