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Ghana Statistical Service(GSS) To Embark On A 30-Day Education Campaign On Population/Housing Census

Government Statistician, Prof. Samuel Kwabena Annim has hinted that the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is set to embark on a 30-day education campaign to sensitize the public on the population and Housing Census 2021.

According to him, as part of the campaign, political heads such as Former President Kufuor, John Dramani Mahama, Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. S.K. Bagbin among some traditional leaders and parliamentarians have vowed to support the exercise.

Addressing Journalists on Sunday, he said “As part of the campaign, there will be statements from; former Presidents, John Agyekum Kufuor and John Dramani Mahama, coincidentally representing the two major political parties, advocating for the census to be conducted in a nonpartisan manner. The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban S.K. Bagbin, advocating for the census as a national exercise and not a government activity”

Mr. Annim also hinted that 85,000 census officials have been earmarked to receive vaccines.

With the widespread of covid-19, the Ghana Statistical Service says the exercise will be conducted in Strict Adherence to COVID-19 protocols.

He said “Ghana Statistical Service in conjunction with the Ghana Health Service will vaccinate approximately 85,000 census officials starting 31st May 2021. Class sizes for training have been reduced from pre-COVID numbers to allow for social distancing” has also gathered all census officials will be screened daily for health and safety, provided masks, and sanitizers and trained to keep at least 2m from the respondent.

The Government Statistician also stated that census materials have been dispatched to eight regions.

“After securing storage space for logistics in all 272 statistical districts, GSS is dispatching census materials to the districts. These include; Training materials for approximately 76,500 prospective Field Officers to be trained from 31st May to 9th June. Logistics to be used for data collection from 13th June to 11th July. Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) for census officials and Publicity, education and advocacy materials for the public education campaign” he added.

Below are some pictures:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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