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  • Think News Online

DECEMBER POLLS: Electoral Commission To Brief Media On 2020 Polls Today

The Electoral Commission of Ghana will on Monday, November 23, hold a press conference to update the nation on its preparedness ahead of the December 7 elections.

With two weeks to the polls, the Commission is expected to let Ghanaians know the plans put together to have a successful presidential and parliamentary election

The press conference is expected to start at 4pm.

Commission Chair, Jean Mensah last Friday told the Council of the state that the commission is 98 percent ready for the polls.

Mrs. Mensah said almost all electoral materials have been distributed to the Commission's regional offices, including the upper East Regional office of the commission where confusion greeted the arrival of the materials, for onward distribution to the constituencies and polling stations, on election day.

She also indicated that a robust and efficient system has been put in place to ensure that election results are declared within 24 hours of the close of polls.

The Commission was recently challenged by some citizens in court over the creation of an exemptions and multiples list of some 32,000 voters.

These are persons who are said to have breached regulations regarding the new registration conducted this year.

Story by Rodney Tsenuokpor

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