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COVID-19: CODA Distributes Facemasks To Traders At Togo Market

The Coastal Development Authority (CODA) has extended its “Wear Your Mask” campaign to traders at the Togo Station at Tudu in Accra.

Officials of the Authority led by the Acting Head of Operations, Mr. Isaac Ahinsah Wobil, on Monday 6th July, 2020 presented 2000 facemasks to the traders.

The gesture was in line with CODA’s efforts aimed at heightening public awareness of issues related with the new coronavirus and adherence to government prescribed safety protocols to stop the spread.

Addressing Executives of the T.S Traders Association, Mr. Wobil, speaking on behalf of the CEO of CODA, indicated that with the upsurge in the number of infections, it was worrying that many Ghanaians still fail to comply with the law to stop the spread of the virus.

He further stated that, the gesture was CODA’s way of educating traders about the dangers of the pandemic and also encouraging them to keep themselves and their customers safe by adhering to all safety protocols.

"Frequent washing of hands under running water, use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, wearing of facemasks and observance of social distancing" he said.

Receiving the PPEs on behalf of the traders, the Chairman of the T. S Traders Association, Mr. Godwin Amenyoh thanked CODA for the kind gesture and assured officials of the Authority that he and his executives will do everything within their ability to ensure that all traders adhere to the safety protocols in the market.


CODA “Wear Your Mask“ Campaign

CODA has been running an intensive public education campaign to highlight the causes, effects and prevention of COVID-19. In addition, the Authority has been distributing PPEs to commercial drivers, farmers, fishers, journalists, Police Officers and traders as part of efforts to support the most vulnerable Ghanaians at the frontline of our country’s battle to end the spread of coronavirus.

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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