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CENTRAL REGION: CODA Cuts Sod For Construction Of AstroTurf At Agona Swedru And Nyarkrom (Pictures)

The Chief Executive Officer of Coastal Development Authority (CODA), Lawyer Jerry Ahmed Shaib has cut sod for the construction of two (2) AstroTurf at Agona Swedru and Agona Nyarkrom in the Central Region.

The project which is funded through the one Million Dollar one constituency program under the Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Programme (IPEP) under the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives (MSDI).

The CEO together with the Member of Parliament (MP) of Agona West who doubles as the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Cynthia Mamle Morrison called on the Paramount Chief of Agona Swerdu, Nana Kobina Asiadu Botwe II to seek his blessings before the sod cutting ceremony.

The Member of Parliament expressed her gratitude for their continuous support and stated that the AstroTurf which they requested for has finally been awarded for.

She noted, she is proud adding she has been able to construct enough bridges in the constituency.

Lawyer Jerry Ahmed Shaib said “President Akufo-Addo promised Ghanaians that when he is voted into office, he will allocate one million dollar per constituency to help in socio-economic development in every constituency in the country. He said in fulfillment of that promises are the results they are witnessing”

He hinted that aside the pitches, there are other ongoing projects like school buildings, CHPS compounds, drainage and others under the one million dollars per constituency programme.

He also introduced the contractors as MSH Astro Gh. Ltd. and assured that all artisans who would be engaged to work during the construction would be recruited from the constituency which will serve as an employment for the youth.

He stressed that the project would be completed by December 2020 for commissioning.

The Paramount Chief of Agona Swedru thanked the President for the unprecedented development he has brought to the doorstep of the Constituents.

He also acknowledged the hard work of the CEO and the MP and advised them to continue with their good works they are rendering for the citizenry.

Present at the chief’s palace were Nana Kojo Acquah (Tufohene), Omanpanyi Kojo Addo, Ebusuapanyi (Okanta), Nana Kobina Antsey (Secretary) and other traditional leaders.

In other developments, Lawyer Jerry Ahmed Shaib and Honourable Cynthia Mamle Morrison also made a stop at the palace of Nana Attah Yeboah VII, Dabihene of Otabilkrom, the exact town where the AstroTurf would be constructed.

The Chief and Elders poured libation and prayed for God’s protection and the successful completion of the project.

The Chief on behalf of the people thanked the CEO and MP for bringing the astroturf project to their town.

He also thanked the MP for the various roads being constructed in the township and also appealed for a road behind the palace to be constructed for them.

The next courtesy call was at the palace of Nana Okofo Katakyi Nyarko Eku X, the Paramount Chief of Agona Nyakrom.

Honourable Cynthia Morrison explained that the astroturf project would commence immediately and prayed that the chief and people will support the contractor in order to complete the project before the scheduled time.

Below are pictures:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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