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  • Think News Online

"Blame State Enterprise CEO'S For Current Economic Crisis" - SIGA Boss

Director General of State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA), Ambassador Edward Boateng says some Chief Executive Officers of State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) are to be blamed for the current economic woes of the country.

According to Ambassador Edward Boateng, some State Enterprises in the country fail to pay dividends to the state as expected of them which has contributed to loss of revenues.

Addressing the media in Accra, the Director General Ambassador Edward Boateng questioned how some CEO's of specified entities fail to meet targeted dividends by the state, hence government day in and out embark on infrastructural projects with these same dividends.

He added these dividends that is needed by government and the ministry of finance to run the economy but they fail to pay the right dividends.

He explained that only 175 entities are under the SIGA with 43% considered as other SOE's whereas 30% considered Profit making State Enterprise.

He therefore advised all CEO's of various State Owned Enterprises to pay the right dividends else they will recommend to President to relief them of their posts.

In addition, Ambassador Edward Boateng projected that from 2023, SIGA will deploy what it calls Real Time Monitoring System to put various on their toes to deliver on their mandate.

Furthermore, more State Enterprises will be made to sign performance contracts for easy assessment.

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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