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  • Think News Online

Be careful; if you vote against me, I’ll come back and buy Ghana — Nana Kwame Bediako to Ghanaians

Nana Kwame Bediako, independent presidential candidate in Ghana's 2024 elections and leader of the New Force political movement, has warned voters about the potential consequences of not electing him.

Known affectionately as Cheddar, the presidential aspirant told Accra-based TV3 that if he loses the upcoming polls, he will return in the future to 'buy' the country.

He explained that he has a policy of creating one million millionaires who will pay him 10% of their earnings.

According to Nana Kwame Bediako, this would make him significantly wealthier and able to buy Ghana, giving him full control even without an executive position.

"If I create a million millionaires and take 10% from each, I'll definitely be richer than the country. So Ghanaians should be careful - they may not want me now, but when I return I'll be back to buy it," he stated on the TV station's Afternoon Show on April 10th.

The renowned businessman believes he is destined to deliver Ghana from its recent economic challenges.

Notable among his campaign pledges is dredging the sea to Kumasi to boost trade in the Ashanti region.

Credit: Modern Ghana

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