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AYAWASO NORTH MUNICIPALITY: NPP PC, Alhaji Osman Manaf Undergoes Successful Vetting For MCE Position

The 2020 Parliamentary Candidate (PC) for Ayawaso North Constituency, Alhaji Osman Manaf has successfully undergone a vetting exercise for the position of Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) in the Municipality.

According to the MCE, he is confident that he will win the position and transform the lives of the people in the Municipality.

In an exclusive interview with, Alhaji Manaf said "I have undergone a successful exercise. I have tough contenders but I am confident, I will be the next MCE of the Municipality"

It will be recalled that the 2020 NPP PC contested the recently held Parliamentary elections but lost to the incumbent.

Alhaji Manaf believes that although he might have lost the Parliamentary elections, that cannot deter him from contesting other elections.

"The people have been crying for long. They need lots of infrastructures, jobs among others. They have cried for a long time. This is the time to give out what is due them" has gathered that 7 personalities are in contest for the position of MCE in the Municipality.

It is also emerging that the incumbent, Aminu Mohammed Zakari was part of the seven that were vetted.

Presiding Member at the Ayawaso North Municipal Assembly, Augustine Ofori-Gyebi said "Hon. Manaf has got what it takes to serve the Municipality. He has done a lot and there is more he will do when given the nod. He is not a selective person. He treats all equally and that is a hallmark of a leader"

Mr. Ofori-Gyebi appealed to the contestants to work hand-in-hand to transform the Municipality after the final winner is announced.

"Change is coming and Alhaji Manaf will certainly bring that change to the Ayawaso North Municipal Assembly. Insha Allah" he added.

Below are some pictures:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith

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