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FDA Issues Statement On Alleged 'Plastic'Rice On Ghanaian Market

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) says it has noted the circulation of several videos on social media claiming the existence of 'plastic rice' on the Ghanaian market, which is of public concern.

According to the FDA, in 2017, it on the basis of these videos, investigated the claims and issues a press statement denying the existence of plastics rice.

In a statement signed by the DCEO, Health Products and Technologies Division, Seth Seaneke, it said "As part of that investigation, and through our nationwide market surveillance activities, the Authority obtained random samples and subsequently requested members of the public to assist our investigations by either submitting samples of the alleged plastic rice or giving information of where theu could be found"

The statement also mentioned that the samples received were subjected to laboratory analysis.

It added that results from the analysis showed that all the samples were in fact authentic rice and not alleged plastic rice or giving information of where they could be found.

Below is a copy of the letter:

Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith



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