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"Apologise, Retract Or Face The Law" – Akua Amoakowaa’s Lawyers Order AJ Poundz

Aside from the public bashing AJ Poundz suffered after supposedly slandering her ex-friend, Akua Amoakowaa, AJ Poundz may face legal consequences too.

Sally Akua Amoakowaa Mensah has sought legal action to stop AJ Poundz from talking about her.

According to Sally’s lawyers, the comments by AJ Poundz, born Matilda Adwoa Densu, are false and defamatory and have harmed their client. Therefore she must apologize and retract within 7 days or be prepared to face them in court.

The letter from Blagogee, Blacksword & Co Legal Practitioners reads as follows; “1. We act as Solicitors for and on behalf of Salomey Akua Amoakowaa (Our “Client”) of Accra, on whose instruction we write to you.

2. It has come to our Client’s attention that you, Matilda Adwoa Densu, have granted an interview to one Delores Frimpong Manso(Delay’s Show) aired on or about the 10th day of July 2022, for which you peddled outright falsehood deliberately calculated to tarnish Our Client’s good name, brand and hard-earned reputation.

3. In the said interview, you made baseless allegations of infidelity against Our Client including a claim that Our Client has admitted to the said allegations of infidelity.

4. Your comments referred to supra did not only cause our Client emotional pain, psychological pain and reputational damage but also portrayed her in a bad light in the eyes of the public. This reasonably has affected her and her brand and will result in the loss of reasonably expected business opportunities.

5. We have the instruction of our Client to write to you to CEASE AND DESIST from any further mention and/or discussion of matters involving or relating to Our Client on any platform whatsoever.

6. We are, also, by this letter giving you seven (7) days to ensure that the platform(s) you used in publishing the said defamatory comments pull down and delete all such videos/audios containing those comments.

7. Further, you are to render an unqualified apology to Our Client on all the platforms you used to publish and give fuel to the said defamatory comments.

8. Please, be advised that, unless you comply with the demands of this notice in full, and within 7 calendar days, we have Our Client’s firm instruction to commence all necessary legal proceedings against you.

9. For the avoidance of doubt, you will be responsible, inter alia, for the cost, Our Client incurs in seeking legal redress together with compensatory damages without further recourse to you or at all.

The Delay Show was thrown into mayhem when AJ Poundz disclosed that Sally Akua Amoakowaa was unfaithful to her husband, Dr Kwaku Oteng.

AJ Poundz continued to say that Akua was seeing another man, which resulted in her divorce. She also maintained that she was a good friend because she turned down Dr Oteng’s advances to sleep with her.

“Her husband confronted her over infidelity suspicions, and she confessed to being in a relationship with someone for a year. I wasn’t surprised about the divorce. It’s something she really wanted to do. She was married but was single. That’s why I said I never caused her divorce. Nobody can mess your marriage up. You mess it up yourself,” AJ told Delay.

Below are copies of the suit:




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