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LIFESTYLE: Inject Colours Into Your Life (The Late Queen Elizabeth II)

The late queen of England, HRM Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor also known as Queen Elizabeth ll was fond of brightly coloured skirt suits, dresses and hats 👒.

In style coaching colour analysis is essential to the overall makeover process.

You can use colour to enhance your complexion,eye colour and hair colour.

Colour does not only affect your physical appearance but also your emotional state and that of those around you.

Colour can give confidence when you lack, energy and youth.

There is evidence that the color a person wears can also affect how others perceive him or her.

Unflattering colours makes you look pale,sick , old and less attractive. It draws attention to your flaws like under- eye dark circles and uneven skin tone whereas flattering colours have the opposite effect.


💚GREEN: implies nature and is balanced and hopeful.

💗PINK: represents innocence,love,simplicity.

🍊 ORANGE: is full of energy, enthusiasm, fun and youth.

💜PURPLE: colour of royalty and wisdom ✨️.

It symbolises nobility, enlightenment among other things.

The queen 👸 used this psychology to her advantage in her later years to keep looking well and energetic for her age.

A lot goes into the planning of looks that are perfect for individuals and the occasion.


The Queens 3 set Pearl necklace which was her statement jewellery was a gift from her father the late king 🤴.

I think she wore it for the sentiments attached to it and it became her style statement for its consistent appearance in her looks.

The queen 👸 is one of the most stylish women that ever lived and I am glad I existed in some part of her very long lifetime.

May she rest in perfect peace.

Below are some pictures:

Credit: Ms Nancy (Ghana's only certified style coach)



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