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Kenyan Chef Maliha Mohammed sets new Guinness World Cooking Record

Kenyan chef Maliha Mohammed has unofficially shattered the Guinness World Record for the longest home cooking time in a stunning display of culinary prowess.


Cementing her place in the culinary hall of fame with this remarkable achievement, Mahila cooked for 95 hours to beat American Rickey Lumpkin II’s  68 hours, 30 minutes and one-second record on Monday, August 14, 2023.

This comes merely weeks after the renowned chef announced her ambitious intent online to her teeming fans.

“I will be cooking nonstop for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon. That is a different title from what Chef Hilda was cooking,” she said on her Youtube page.

According to Maliha, this is a different title from the one achieved earlier in the year by Nigerian chef Hilda Baci.

Addressing the notion of imitation, Maliha Mohammed clarified that her endeavour was in the making long before any claims of mimicry arose.

In December 2022, she applied to Guinness World Records to pursue a challenge of her design.

Her unofficial triumph was announced with flair on her Instagram page, where she proudly shared a special flyer bearing the words, “NEW WORLD RECORD.”

This remarkable achievement comes just a few months after Hilda Baci, another culinary virtuoso, secured the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking time by an individual.

Chef Maliha’s journey to this culinary triumph was not without its challenges. Before her successful marathon cooking session, she underwent two rigorous cook-a-thon trials, honing her skills and building the stamina required for the ambitious endeavour.

Maliha Mohammed’s journey toward record-breaking culinary glory has been marked by previous attempts that have showcased her unwavering passion and tenacity.

In 2018, she embarked on a culinary marathon that lasted an impressive 72 hours—an achievement in itself.

Subsequently, in 2019, she pushed the boundaries further by completing a 75-hour cooking marathon, sadly, it was awarded to Indian chef Lata London in 2019 who cooked for 87 hours and 45 minutes.

For her latest pursuit, she prepared an astounding array of 320 dishes that span Swahili, Kenyan, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and international cuisines.

Although Maliha’s latest achievement has yet to be officially recognized by Guinness World Records, her accomplishment has resonated deeply with her followers and fellow culinary enthusiasts.

Social media platforms have buzzed with congratulatory messages, celebrating her achievement and acknowledging her as a culinary trailblazer.

Story by: Nathan Tollo

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