President Akufo-Addo says due to the increasing number of covid-19 cases, he has banned funerals, weddings, concerts, theatrical performances, and parties.
According to him, the ban will help reduce the spread of covid-19 among the citizenry.
Addressing the nation in his 23rd update on measures taken against the spread of coronavirus, he said “So fellow Ghanaians, until further notice, funerals, weddings, concerts, theatrical performances, and parties are banned”
He added that private burials with no more than twenty-five (25) people can take place with the enforcement of the social distancing, hygiene, and mask-wearing protocols.
“Beaches, night clubs, cinemas, and pubs continue to be shut. Our borders by land and sea remain closed” he said.
President Akufo-Addo also hinted that restaurants should provide take-away services, and should, as much as possible avoid seated services.
He also advised that all workplaces, public and private, must employ a shift-system for workers, in addition to the use of virtual platforms for business or work.
“Conference and workshops can take place with all the appropriate protocols. However, I encourage the use of virtual platforms for such engagements” he noted.
Story by: Joshua Kwabena Smith